Questions & Support

Your Questions Answered!

What is Real Odd?

The bookie establishes odds for their markets, with Betpractice you can define your own odd by selecting an specific sample (current season, current season + last season or more), that is what we call Real Odd.

Can I set more than one Real Odd?

Of course! Actually we recommend to create as many Real Odds profiles as strategies you have, depending on the market you are studying.

How many markets there are in Betpractice?

In Pregame, Explorer and Live there are over 40 markets to analyze + all the strains (Over/Under, YES/NO, etc…)

What can I expect in the VIP Community?

In our VIP Community (on Discord) we share daily picks and strategies that we work on to get better and better. Also there is a support channel where you can ask anything you need about Betpractice or betting/trading in general.

How do I get alarms on the Smartphone?

Very easy, you can download our APK from here, just log in with your user and password and it will work. You can also go to Account Management on the suite and link your Telegram account to Betpractice and get your alarms on Telegram!

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