3 Profitable Strategies to end the Season

Although the main leagues in the world start in September, there are other leagues that started at the beginning of the year and end in December. With Betpractice Studio you can create profitable betting strategies with these leagues. In this article we are going to see which markets and which filters have been profitable from January to August, in order to be able to make a profit in the last 4 months of the year.

► Profitable betting strategy to local winner in Sweden

The first of the strategies is the simplest. With Betpractice’s Backtesting tool we can see that investing in the victory of the local team in the Swedish second division has been very profitable from the start of the season until today. There is no filter to add, just the victory of the local team in the Swedish second division.

As we can see in the image, since the beginning of the season this strategy reports a profit of 18.21% in total. We have also added the results of the last 7 days (29.22%) and of the last 30 days (32.85%)

This strategy is an incredible opportunity to obtain profitability in the last months of the season. It is also very easy to apply and control.

► The best betting strategy for BOTH TEAMS SCORE YES

This strategy is not only being profitable this season, but it was also profitable last season, that is, we have 2 profitable seasons. For this strategy we are going to use more filters and more links, which are:

  • Hungary
  • Norway Elite Series & 1st Division
  • Sweden Allsvenskan
  • Sweden Superettan

The filters that we are going to use are of real quota and of value. The actual quota profile that we are going to use is the current season and all home and away matches:

And the filters that we are going to use are

  • Actual odds from 1 to 2
  • Value from 0 to infinity, that is, only matches with a positive value.

With this we would already have our system configured. As we have mentioned, this system is being profitable this year with a 15.81% yield and last season it ended with a 15.4% yield.

► Profitable betting strategy to TIE at halftime in Japan

The draw market is not very popular when it comes to profitable football strategies, although it can bring great benefits as we will show below.

For this strategy we are going to use a single league and a single filter:

  • Japan First Division J1-League
  • Real Quota Filter from 0 to @ 2.5

To configure this strategy in the Betpractice Backtesting tool we simply add the Draw HT market (tie at halftime), select the first division of Japan and a real quota filter from 0 to @ 2.5. As in the previous strategy of both they mark yes, the real quota profile to use is the current season and all the home and away matches.

What we do with this filter of maximum real odds of @ 2.5 using the current season, is to include only those teams that have drawn at halftime a minimum of 49% of the time (odds @ 2.5 equals 49%).

As seen in the image, this football strategy is reporting a 22.63% yield in the current season with a 58% success rate. Another unique and incredible opportunity to be profitable between now and the end of the season.

Give them a try & If you have any questions about these betting strategies leave us a comment below or share it with your friends!

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