Team Filters

This filter tab is crucial to determine if our system is going to be focused on leagues or specific teams.

The fundamental difference between a system in league mode and team:
League Mode → All teams are included and teams are excluded
Team Mode → No team is selected and teams are included individually

League Mode
In the left column we see the leagues that we have included in our system (in this case only the first division of Spain) and the Yield that that league is reporting with the filters included in the selected seasons.
Then we have another column with the teams of that league and the yield reported by each team individually. We see that yield divided into the home, away and total yield.
From here we can remove teams from this system, we can also exclude only their matches as home, away or in total.
Every time we take out a team in league mode and click on “SUBMIT CHANGES” we will see that the yields of the teams change, since we are removing from the system all the games against the team that we have excluded.

In this screenshot we are seeing the yields of the teams without including any match against Athletic Club.
Every time we exclude a team and click on SUBMIT CHANGES, the yield is recalculated without without the teams that we have removed from the system.

Team Mode
In this case our system appears initially empty and we are the ones who must include teams. Every time we include a team we will be seeing the yield of that specific team including all the games against the rest of the teams in the league.
By default we see the yield with 0% yield and all the teams with 0% since we have not included any team.
In this example we are going to see the yield that Athletic Club has compared to the rest of the clubs of the Spanish first division in the chosen market and with the selected filters.

Once the changes are applied, we see the yields of each team compared to the teams that we have included in the system. In this example we see the yield that Atlético de Madrid has against Athletic Club, the one that Barcelona has against Athletic Club, etc.

In team mode we can also exclude specific teams, for example if we want to create a team system with Athletic Club but without including the matches against Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​for this we go to the tab “EXCLUDE TEAMS FROM A TEAM”

To confirm any change we must click on “Apply the changes”

There are 4 types of filters and within each one we are going to differentiate sub-filters. You can read about more filters here.

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