Author name: admin

What is Yield? Is Yield the same as ROI?

Among all the concepts that we must learn when controlling our strategies, one of the fundamental ones is the yield.

The Yield is the benefit of a strategy or system expressed as a percentage, or what is the same, how many euros you earn for every €100 invested. For example, we can say that a strategy has a 10% yield, that is, that we have obtained a 10% profit from that strategy.

What is Yield? Is Yield the same as ROI? Read More »

The BEST European leagues for Over 2.5 (2021-2022 season)

One of the most popular markets when analyzing leagues and teams is the “Over 2.5 goals”, meaning that more than 2 goals are scored throughout the football game. With Betpractice we can see which leagues have been profitable in the past in different markets and in this article we are going to use the Backtesting tool to check the status of the European leagues in the market over 2.5 goals FT.

The BEST European leagues for Over 2.5 (2021-2022 season) Read More »