How do you know when there will be a goal in a football game?

In the 90 minutes that a football game lasts, there are times when more goals are usually produced. Although it can be a complicated task, Betpractice can help us to detect those time ranges where teams usually concede or score a goal.

How to find goals in the Spanish league?

For this example we are going to use the first division of Spain, as well as the Betpractice Next Goal tool, within the Explorer module. The configuration will be as follows:

  • League Mode (Spain National Team)
  • Sample (2 seasons, although you can choose the ones you want)
  • Next Goal Mode: Fixed
  • Time ranges 15 minutes
  • Use Total Goals (0, but we will see with different values here)

With this configuration we see in each column the probability of a goal in each range of 15 minutes with a result of 0-0. As can be seen in the column “More than 0”, the section with the highest probability of a goal is between 32 and 46, with 33.62%. This is very useful to know that in the Spanish first division the first goal usually comes in the last 15 minutes of the first half , although the highest percentage is in the last section of the match from minute 77 (if the match continues 0- 0).

But with Betpractice’s Next Goal tool we can go further and see what happens when there is 1 goal on the scoreboard (from home or away), for this we only have to change the value in “Use total goals” from 0 to 1.

Here we see something very useful. In the Spanish league, when a goal occurs before the 15th minute, 75% of the time there was another goal (taking into account the last 3 seasons). This gives us an incredible advantage since we are going to find odds with a very high value .

As you can see, the potential of this tool is incredible, not only in this case since we could also use it to know in which periods there is usually no goal to be able to scalp tickets to Under goals and leave when the period ends. The possibilities are endless.

The best teams to find goals

With Betpractice you have the possibility of analyzing a match from different perspectives thanks to the variety of its tools, but in this article we are going to explain one of them using statistical logic.

As we have seen previously, in the Spanish first division with a 0-0 result the majority of goals come in the last 15 minutes of the first half and the second half. Having this information, what we are going to do is see which specific matches coincide with these percentages, to rule out those in which this trend is not met.

In the same Explorer we are going to change in the upper part of League Mode to Match Mode, to be able to analyze specific matches. In this case we see that the Valencia – Mallorca match has a 100% goal score in the last 15 minutes of the match as long as the result is 0-0. This is an incredible opportunity to gain value.

The next thing we are going to do is tell Betpractice to let us know if this match goes 0-0 in minute 75, and to notify us. To do this, we are going to go to the pre-match coupon and click on the bell icon in the Valencia – Mallorca match, to open the match alarm panel.

With this configuration Betpractice will send us a notification to our laptop and smartphone if this match meets certain conditions that we have verified are suitable for a goal to be scored.

We can do this with any league, any game and market.

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