How to create your custom profile

See how to create your custom Profile.
Profiles are the basis of any analysis in Betpractice. Depending on the configuration of our active profile we will see some data or others in the Pregame tool (it also affects other tools). You can create as many profiles as you need, actually we recommend creating different profiles for each strategy that we want to follow.

In the section Your Profiles we will find 3 columns that we will describe below.

Column 1
Here we have the list of profiles created and we also have the New+ button to create a new profile, which we must give a name and we can start configuring it in Column 2.

Column 2
In this column we determine the different samples we want to work with.
a. Real odd profile
We select which sample we want to work with to calculate the real odd and find value. If we click on “Modify” we can select a real quota that we have already created or we can create a new one.

In this section we are going to choose if our real odd is calculated with the last 8 games, the current season, the current season and the previous one, etc. In the same way, we have to choose if we want to work with the local team’s games only when they played as local or all games, and the same process with the away team.
This is the real odd that we will find in the Pregame and Explorer tool.

There is no real odd that works better or worse for each strategy, this must be determined by the user.

b. PPG profile
PPGs are the average points per game for each team. If you are going to develop a home, away or draw strategy, you may be interested in filtering by the average number of points each team gets.
This average PPG is calculated with the data of the current season, but we can choose if we want it to be calculated with the points obtained by the local when he played as a local or also include the games that the local played as a away. And the same process with the team that plays away from home

c. Statistics profile
In Betractice we can work with a large number of statistics (LINK TO THE MANUAL WITH THE LIST OF STATISTICS). For example, we can work with the average of corners and shots on goal.
These averages can be calculated with the data of the current season or with those of the current season and the previous one. As in the PPG and real odds profile, we can choose if we want it to be calculated with the local data when they played at home or also include the games that the home played as away. And the same with the team that plays away from home.

d. Streaks profile
In Betractice we can work with a large number of streaks (LINK TO THE MANUAL WITH THE LIST OF STATISTICS). For example, we can work with the Over 2.5 streaks and the home team to win streaks.
These streaks can be calculated with the data of the current season or with those of the current season and the previous one. As in the real odds, statistics and PPG profile, we can choose if we want it to be calculated with the local data when they played at home or also include the games that the home played as away. And the same with the team that plays away from home.

Column 3
This is where we choose which leagues, markets, stats, streaks, and bookmakers we want to work on. They will be the leagues, markets, statistics, streaks and bookmakers that we will see in the Pregame tool when we have this active profile.

a. Favorite Leagues
We choose the leagues that we will see in the Pregame tool. Then we can add or remove leagues in the pregame tool. For example, in this profile we are going to choose the first league in Spain, France, Germany and Italy.

b. Favorite Markets
These are the markets that we will see by default in the Pregame and Explorer tool when we have this profile active. Then we can add or remove links in each tool.
For this example we are going to choose the Over 2.5 market and Both Mark Yes.

c. Statistics, streaks and bookmakers
We select the statistics, streaks and bookmakers with which we want to work. These streaks and statistics will be calculated based on the sample chosen in Column 2.
For this example we will choose the statistics of shots on goal and the streak of both marks yes

We will work with Bet365 and WilliamHill

Save and Activate your Custom Profile

Now we have our profile created. To save it, we click on “Save”  and “Activate” to start working with it. We will know that it is activated because in Column 1. The profile with a star appears on the left side.

If we go to the Pregame tool, we will see that of all the matches of the day, only those that are within the selected leagues are shown. We also see your favorite markets, stats, and streaks.

The same happens in the Explorer tool. We have the favorite markets by default (although we can add or remove markets) and the real odd is the one selected in our active profile.

If you have any questions or need help, contact us and we will help you.

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