The BEST European leagues for Over 2.5 (2021-2022 season)

One of the most popular markets when analyzing leagues and teams is the “Over 2.5 goals”, meaning that more than 2 goals are scored throughout the football game. With Betpractice we can see which leagues have been profitable in the past in different markets and in this article we are going to use the Backtesting tool to check the status of the European leagues in the market over 2.5 goals FT.
What are the most profitable European leagues in the market over 2.5 FT ?
In the Backtesting tool we are simply going to add all the European leagues and select the Over 2.5 FT market. From there we will eliminate all leagues with a minimum of 4% yield.
As can be seen in the image, 5 European football leagues are having a profitability above 4% this season, entering all the games of each league in the Over 2.5 market, regardless of the market share.
We can highlight the Portuguese Second League , with an incredible 31.18% yield this season in the Over 2.5 market, with a total sample of 56 games since the 21/22 season began and a 61% hit ratio. The Italian first division also stands out with an 18% yield and 70 sample matches.
What is the difference between hit ratio and yield?
In backtesting you can analyze different fundamental aspects within the analysis of a system or strategy, among them you will be able to see the success ratio and the yield. The hit ratio is the number of correct matches expressed in percentages, for example, if 60 out of 100 matches have been completed, the hit ratio is 60%. The yield refers to the profitability of the system, that is, the profit generated expressed as a percentage.
A higher hit ratio does not imply a higher yield . In fact, as you can see in the image, the success rate of the Portuguese Second League is lower than that of the Italian Serie A, however the yield is higher. This happens because the average share of the Second League in Portugal is higher than that of Serie A in Italy.
It is very important to control these aspects to carry out an analysis and correct reading of a strategy.
This can be done with any of the leagues included in our Pre-Game and / or Explorer tools.
How do you know which league is more profitable in each market?
In the backtesting tool you can choose between the different markets available to see which leagues are performing better in each of them. And not only that, but you can also add filters for real odds, odds, statistics and / or streaks, to outline and design your strategy in the best possible way.
You can also make team systems, where you can individually choose the best teams for certain markets.
You can try it for FREE Now! If you have any questions about the The BEST leagues for Over 2.5 please leave us a comment or contact us through our social networks.