What are the most popular OVER Leagues in football?

When we are going to design a football betting strategy or system it is important to start from a good base from which to project our idea and develop it. If we think about creating a goal strategy such as an over 2.5 goals system in different leagues, we will be interested in knowing which are the most popular “over” leagues.

What does it mean that a league is called Over?

Normally we understand that a league is Over when there’s an average of goals above 2.5, or what is the same, when the real market share of Over 2.5 Goals FT in that league is below @ 2.00. If you don’t know what the real odd is, we suggest you read this article where we explain this very important concept at Betpractice.

How to find the leagues with the most goals?

With Betpractice we have several tools with which to find the most overs leagues, in this case we are going to use the Backtesting tool. The idea is to select all the leagues available in Backtesting, as well as the Over 2.5 market and see the percentage of success of each one, that is, the times that a result with more than 2.5 goals was actually given.

Below you can see the leagues and competitions with the most goals during the 2020-2021 season:

  • Austria Bundesliga
  • Bélgica Pro League
  • Denmark Super League
  • Estonian Championship League
  • Champions League
  • Europa League
  • Germany Bundesliga 1 & 2
  • Hungary NB 1
  • Irlanda First Division
  • Italy Serie A
  • Latvia Virsliga
  • Netherlands Eredivise
  • Norway Elite Series & 1st Division
  • Singapur S League
  • Slovenia Super Liga
  • Suiza Super League
  • Use USL

Outside of Backtesting at Betpractice there are other tools to calculate the real odds of many more leagues. For example, in the Explorer tool we can see the real odds of any market in many more leagues than in Backtesting, and we can also see several real odds of different markets, so it becomes a much more dynamic tool.

In the following image we can see the Real Odds (and also in percentage format) of Over 1.5 and Over 2.5 in the Ghana league. We also have the information of the current season, the current season plus the previous one, as well as the personalized odds, which is our personal selection of seasons, which for the example we have selected from the 2006 season to the present.

This can be done with any of the leagues included in our Pre-Game and / or Explorer tools.

You can try it for FREE Now! If you have any questions about the “Over” Leagues feature please leave us a comment or contact us through our social networks.

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