The football alerts are notifications that we will receive both in the browser of our computer and in the official Betpractice App

We can configure two types of football alerts.
1. Receive them in advance
2. Receive them live. In addition, in real time football alerts we can combine pregame parameters with those of the live one.

When we go to the General Alerts section, the first thing we must do is select the football leagues that we want to include in our alerts. If we have favorite leagues included in our active profile, they will appear already pre-selected, to better understand how favorite leagues work we recommend you see the Account Administration tutorial.

Then we are going to find two different sections:


In this section we are going to filter the pregame markets with 4 different parameters.
For this example we are going to choose the Over 2.5 market and we are going to explain how the 4 types of filters that we can apply work to it:

Bookmaker odds filters
In the first column we can filter by the odds that the bookmaker has assigned to that market, for example here we select BET365 and a minimum odd of 2.

Value % filter
We can filter the pregame market by value, that is, by the difference between the odd offered by the bookmaker for that market and the odd that Betpractice calculates through the Real Odd. To know the difference between the bookmaker’s odds and the read odd, we must tell Betpractice with which Real odd profile we want to work with.

This is why clicking on CLICK & SAVE opens a window to choose the real odds with which to calculate the difference between the odds of the bookmaker we choose and the odds of Betpractice.

For example we choose the bookmaker BET365 and we put a value filter between 0 and 10% and then we choose the real odd called ACTUAL LOCALÍA (current season both) so that we can calculate the real Betpractice odd.

Difference % filter
This filter is to notify us if there is a percentage difference between one bookmaker and another for the same market.
This filter is interesting to be able to find sure bets or just to know if a bookmaker is offering a better odd for the same football market.
For this example we are going to set the alert to notify us if there is a difference in the odd for the Over 2.5 between BET365 and WilliamHill between 2 and 2.5%

Real odd filter
This filter is to notify us if the real odd calculated by Betpractice is between one value or another. As in the value filter, when saving our alarm it will ask us what real odd we want to work with, since Betpractice calculates a different odd if we choose a real odd for the current season or a sample from the last 3 seasons.

For this example we configure it to notify us if the real odd for Over 2.5 is between @ 1.6 and @ 1.8 with the real odd ACTUAL SIN LOCALIA

If we only choose pregame filters, we only will get notified before the match begins, but as we have said before, these pregame filters can be combined with live parameters.

LIVE Score Alerts

Here we configure the events that only once the football game has started. We have 4 main sections that we are going to explain now.
Remember that pregame and real time (live) elements can be combined.

Time Limits
The first thing we must select is in which time area we want the rest of the parameters to apply, if we want the rest of the parameters to be included at any time during the game we can leave the timeline from 0 to 90.

In this For example we are going to set time limits between 60 and 80 minutes

Correct Score
Here we include a correct score, for example we are going to put the score 1-0, therefore with this configuration it will notify us if any of the matches of the included leagues go 1-0 between minute 60 and 80.

Market Filter
Here we add the markets we want and put odd filters (only from BET365).
For example, in this case we are going to add the Over 2.5 market and we are going to put a BET365 odd filter to notify us if the odd is above @ 2.1. Therefore, until now, it would notify us if any of the matches of the selected football league have:

Score 1-0 between 60 and 80 minutes
The Over 2.5 market has a share higher than @ 2.1 between 60 and 80 minutes

Statistics Filter
In this section we can add filters for the home team, away or in total for a list of live statistics, you can see the list of complete statistics in our official Betpractice manual

After including all the parameters for our alert we must give it a name and click SAVE & ACTIVATE.

To check our alarms we can click on the bell icon that we see in the upper right part of the screen and we will see our alarm.

Remember that the alarms reach both the computer through the Internet browser and the smartphone through the Official Betpractice Android App. Also you can get notifications on Telegram if you have your account connected in the Account Administration panel

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